Forgive and Forget | Teen Ink

Forgive and Forget

April 29, 2024
By keeerah BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
keeerah BRONZE, Paris, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Forget the lies that I once told
each one that you would hold.
Forget my face, my tone, my life,
and everything I’d say in spite.
You weep and scream till I stop
and tell me I was over top.
You say I am not your mind
and tell yourself it will all pass by.
You forgive me for making you think
you forgive me for making you seep
deep down into your bed
where you know you can’t get ahead.
You are stuck with me
and I hate it too,
yet you’ll forgive me
like you always do.
Forget the harsh, the cruel, the bad,
everything that I once made you say
only when you are not okay.
Forgive me for my horrid tone
something I wish wasn’t my own.
Forget you, your thoughts, your mind,
forgive and forget all of your time.
Especially with me, the mirror, yourself.
Just a reminder,
it’s all mental health.

The author's comments:

My name is Kyra (K-EE-RAH), I am 15 years old and from Paris, Tennessee. I used to absolutely hate reading. I thought that books and stories were boring, and that none of it was important. I was very wrong. Every person has been through a phase where their mental health has been lower than 6 ft, and I never really knew how to deal with it. 

Eventually, I realized that I could escape my dread by writing it down. I thought that it wouldn't help that much, but it did. It helped more than I could imagine. Writing and reading gives a way for people to escape reality and express their feelings in ways they couldn't before. It gives freedom. I like that freedom.

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