My Deepest Storm | Teen Ink

My Deepest Storm

May 8, 2010
By NikkiB GOLD, Newtown, Pennsylvania
NikkiB GOLD, Newtown, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"The greatest tragedy is not death, but life without purpose"- Rick Warren

I fear a storm is coming near
that tears my heart and troubles my soul
clouds clash together in terrible anger
and lightening erupts with powerful destruction
a war in the sky of my deepest thoughts
my mind is trapped and troubled
by the storms of today and tomorrow
but as I lift my eyes up to the hill
a magical sunset breaks the bloodshot sky
I hear the footsteps of peaceful raindrops
and the breath of welcoming winds
a promise of a glorious day
will finally chase my storm away

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