Congrats S. Sudan! | Teen Ink

Congrats S. Sudan!

September 2, 2012
By Moniyka.Sachar GOLD, Fremont, California
Moniyka.Sachar GOLD, Fremont, California
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"No one does anything perfectly. The successful are the ones who can accept imperfection and move on." - Moniyka
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that has." - Mead

I used to feel that people splitting apart was never a good thing
It signified the break of a friendship, the break of a bonding ring
Instead of arguing or conceding, they were simply resigning
Yet in Sudan, two nations are forming and are both capitulating
To follow rules which they have fought over for 50 years
Rules which once caused malaise, bloodshed, and innocent tears

It’s safe to say these Africans are a bit short of pedantic
But these feuds, quagmires, have all made them irrevocably sick
The only plausible cure stemmed from the United Nations
Who worked for a halcyon Sudan with diligent patience

The Christian South and the Arab North fought
Southerners chaffed for more rights causing a lot
Of villages to be bombed and children to be enslaved

Now, after guerilla warfare and two million lives,
South Sudan emerges, and for peace it strives
George W Bush reinforced South Sudan and saved
A coyboy hat for Salva Kiir, the brave president

Of a new country

Born from old history

The author's comments:
This poem is a teen’s perspective on a recent event that has bitter history originating from the time before our parents were born.

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