Sisters | Teen Ink


April 10, 2013
By FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
FeatherNae GOLD, Dyersburg, Tennessee
16 articles 0 photos 2 comments

We've never really had a very good life, mostly been dark never been much light, don't get confused, you know what I mean,you're my sister you've seen what I've seen, when we were little we always fought, I look back now I don't know what we thought, remember when we fought three times in one day? then about five minutes later we were all okay? I can't help but laugh at us, I've always heard "sisters are going to fuss", to be honest that's funny to me, I sometimes wonder "where would we be?" what would it be like if I was at home? would we be apart? would we be alone? since I've come here we've gotten closer than ever, I've always known a sisters love is forever, don't get me wrong, I wanna be home with you, without you, what would I do? you're one of the main people who keep me strong,
without you I couldn't make it this long,
we both know I'll be home sooner or later,
just think this way, it's only making us stronger,
have you ever thought that it's one of Gods tests? he could be preparing us for what's coming next, I know I probably sound stupid right now, to say how I feel, this is all I know how, I can't just come out and talk to you, if I did there's no telling what I'd do, we've been through bad times, probably more than good, but I wouldn't change the past even if I could, even though here I'm almost always alone, I'm still thankful that you're able to be home, we've had crazy times, I'm not saying what we did, but we'll have more I'm pretty sure of it, this is crazy, I have so much to say, but I can tell you the rest when I'm home one day, I know this poem is long but it's nothing but the truth, but don't complain to me, you said to write you.

The author's comments:
I got put in foster care and my twin sister is always saying to write her but I have so much to do that I never have time. So, one night I was free and just starting to write and this is what came out

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