The Sound of Love | Teen Ink

The Sound of Love

April 30, 2013
By NonaBear SILVER, Sharon, Massachusetts
NonaBear SILVER, Sharon, Massachusetts
7 articles 7 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” - Maya Angelou

You were speaking to me yesterday
And as I watched, a word tumbled from your lips
It was a flimsy four letter word that meant so much but was so little
And I wondered
How do you capture the wind in a single breath?
How do you move a mountain and cross an ocean and light a fire
Just by saying that one word?
A single syllable
A speck in the vast universe
Wars were raged and people were killed and tears were shed
And flowers blossomed and people danced and songs were sung
At the exact moment you said that infinitesimal word
A dew drop in an endless field of grass
A word that tears and heals and rips and binds
A word that hopes and cries and screams and sighs
Did you know that when you said that one word
My soul came alive?
And we smiled at each other knowingly
Because the word was our secret
A secret that wove the very fabric of the universe
A secret that everyone knows
Let’s share our secret of the single word
Because the word is a secret to be shared

The author's comments:
Love. 'Nuff said.

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