Paris in August | Teen Ink

Paris in August

October 30, 2013
By addy_x06 SILVER, Aurora, Illinois
addy_x06 SILVER, Aurora, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Will you take me to Paris in August
Where we can be artists
And picnic under the Eiffel Tower
We can eat croissants and baguettes
Until we see the stars

Let's go to New York in December
Where we can go ice skating in Central Park
While we burn our soft tongues on sweet hot chocolate
We can look out at the snow covered sky scrapers
From the top of the Empire State Building

Maybe we'll visit Chicago in June
Where we can stroll the magnificent mile
And shop 'til we drop
We can eat deep dish mushroom pizza
Until we can no longer move

Or we can stay right here
Where we can watch movies in our footy pajamas
We can order take out and tell stories
Until we drift off to our dreams

And when I wake up to the crooked smile
Those deep brown eyes
The loving embrace
It will be better than Paris in August

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