Just because you seem them doesnt mean you know there storie | Teen Ink

Just because you seem them doesnt mean you know there storie

January 11, 2014
By Sammiraeee SILVER, Kc, Missouri
Sammiraeee SILVER, Kc, Missouri
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You see the girl with the big bright eyes

but you dont see all the tears she crys at night.

You see the laugh and smile with her friends

but you cant tell its fake.

The girl is wearing a sweater

but you think its because its cold outside

but acturally its to hide her cuts.

That night she goes home and crys for about 2 hours and decides to hang herself in her closet.

the next day at school your principle calls for a assembly and tells the students what happen that night.

you break down in tears, running out of the gym to the bathroom. You would of never of thought she would to kill herself

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