We All’z Free | Teen Ink

We All’z Free

February 27, 2014
By BrandeanO3000 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
BrandeanO3000 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’z free. From then negro spirituals; the use of the chains and whips.
The animosity of the crackers-thieves who stole our shame.
?I’z don’t see: the blood stains from the strange fruits on these magnolia leaves, nor the mottled extremities on maple trees ‘swinging in the southern breeze.’
Blessed be not thine eyes can see the hangings from the ‘popular trees.’

For I’z free, for even now I can speak freely of the FCC.
For the release of the independence through my intellectual abilities.
I’ll speak.

I’z free from the troubled state era for gripe and pain.
Granted the choice to have a vagabonded pride in mind frame.

I’ve been freed, the right to what I like; who I like, the rights to whats right.
One brings Skittles to a gun fight, walks, lives LIFE.
Choice of marriage rights I’z a sin to His eyes but dealt in a court fight, after court fight, after court fight.

I’z have the choice in life, I’z free.
I’m the gender topic in amendment number 19.
Have old white men in the executive seat making the decision on what lives inside of me. But no, as the inferior I ave no control over my libido.
Them as greater than equal can tell me when and how I can be used as their easel. Wiping my slate clean as it’s only the cloths they can see through.
So as their lives get too busy they’ll rid the thing that eats with you.
When it comes to what they want, it’s their choice to sleep with you.
Then used and abused to revamp their ‘muse’ easel.

I’z free though now I’m ashes to the rest of my nationality. I am the gas, casket chamber, the original population-madness mindset of mission the product of pure insanity.

Are we free or are we given the freedoms of which we need. The choices, the opportunity, the options of which we seek.
Who makes our choices now who chooses them to speak?
The reason why they’re there and I am here s’cuz we’z free.

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