My Greatest Fear | Teen Ink

My Greatest Fear

April 14, 2014
By KatsBrokenRecord BRONZE, Morrison, Colorado
KatsBrokenRecord BRONZE, Morrison, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When society has destroyed all adventure, the only adventure left is to destroy that society."

My greatest fear

is after my heart beats its last beat

my lungs expel their last gasp of air

that there will be nothing left.

That there will be no one to notify

no one left whose heart beats for me

no one is left that knows who am

who cares enough to remember me.

That there will be no one left to take my things

to inherit my memories

and to enjoy them all

if I even have any things left.

So please

whoever is reading this

please be there to spread the word

the word of me passing to those who are left

and please, take my all my things.

Take all my things and enjoy them

dance with the thought of my passing

embrace the memories
whether you knew me or not.

Just be there to vanquish my greatest fear.

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