Two Broken Hearts | Teen Ink

Two Broken Hearts

December 19, 2014
By NatalieRose GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
NatalieRose GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

They know what its like to feel despicably worthless. I am a nightmare walking around as a daydream. Two broken hearts who want affection and passion. Two girls filled with hope and wishes. Two woman with damage and disappointment suffused in their lives. Two life styles which changed as they knew it.
Their wishes soon died off. They sit, think, and blame themselves for the emptiness inside. Smiles wash over their faces in public, and nothing but tears when alone or together. Two broken hearts and two numb bodies walk like zombies.
To stuff or starve, drink sweet, inky wine in a dingy, black splattered room, nothing but two broken hearts with nothing to say. Why, why, why, they ask in their minds. They’re silent.
Over and over in their thought crusted minds to forget everything or to remember the good ole’ times. Looking to each other with gloom in their eyes instead of a twinkle, they once had. Two broken hearts, meet two broken hearts. Four hearts join, mend, tangle, and finally become whole.

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