Love is A Dangerous Frontier | Teen Ink

Love is A Dangerous Frontier

March 11, 2015
By TeenageWoes GOLD, Richardson, Texas
TeenageWoes GOLD, Richardson, Texas
13 articles 0 photos 2 comments

I stand with him, under the bright sun
Basking in all the beauty and happiness
“Well, I better be going” he says
Do I see disappointment on his face?
Stop being an idiot, he doesn’t like you
I remind myself what happens everyday
We walk from school, we sit in the park
We talk and laugh about absolutely nothing
While he takes a nap on the grass, I stare
Sinking deeper and deeper in love
Until I begin to drown
Then, I wake him up to save myself
And he goes back to his dreaded home
Why can’t I just tell him how I feel?
Because love is a scary, dangerous frontier
Explored by some and avoided by others
Filled with thorns and bottomless pits of doom
Keep exploring and you may find blissful heaven
But, I, being a coward
Am afraid of the bottomless pit that lies before me
I stare back at him, lost in the gorgeous blue sea that is his eyes
“I guess I’ll see you tomorrow” he says, turning away
I see my precious window closing, like it does every day
What should I do?
“Wait!” I yell at him, panicked and confused
He turns around, waiting for me to speak
I close my eyes and take a leap into uncharted territory
“I was wondering if you wanted to go out for dinner or something?”
I pause, ready to fall into the hole agape under me
He smiles, blinding me with his radiance
“Sure! I guess I’ll pick you up at eight?”
I open my eyes in wonder
I landed on soft ground
Staring at the menacing hole behind me
That didn’t swallow me hole
“Uh… sure!” I muster through a full-faced smile
And begin to see the light
At the end of this treacherous path

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