I'm not here to... | Teen Ink

I'm not here to...

May 22, 2015
By BvbFanGirl SILVER, Toledo, Illinois
BvbFanGirl SILVER, Toledo, Illinois
6 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everyone wants happiness, but you can't make a rainbow without a little rain."

I'm not here to please you.

I'm not here to be ignored.

I'm not here to be your 2nd or 3rd choice.

I'm here to be me and to enjoy! But all your doing to me is bringing me down, making me hate myself, making me NOT enjoy this wonderful thing called LIFE!

You boss me around like your the queen bee, like you have a saying in everything!

Well here's a news flash... 


So quit doing what your doing, casue' if you keep acting like this..

You won't have anybody to be around you, to be there for you like a true best friend is suppose to be. 

All you pretty much are to people is a bully, and no one wants to be friends a bully. 

That's the thing i'm trying to tell you to change. Cause' trust me there are a lot of wonderful, and amazing friends out there! 

So Try It!!

The author's comments:

In the past and now I keep making friends that boss me around, tell me what to do and who I should like, stuff like that. But I keep giving them 2nd chances and sometimes (it mainly depends on the person) they change, but sometimes they don't. And if they don't change, I cut them out of my life cause' people need somebody to be there for them, not to bring them down even more. 

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