Without Wings | Teen Ink

Without Wings

July 15, 2015
By The_S36 GOLD, Norwich, Connecticut
The_S36 GOLD, Norwich, Connecticut
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We without wings, under the innocent sky,
we hope against hope to one day fly.
The sky is innocent because it does what nature commands it, no matter how dire,
whether it pours rain, or throws fire.
In more ways than one the sky like us,
we both in reality do what we must.
Whether it’s Alice in wonderland,
or snow in Tokyo.
A sky full of birds,
a human filled with emotions.
Our emotions are as fleeting,
as a flock of birds in flight.
Both chase after something.
The sky is constantly trying to push towards Earth,
while people search for meaning in the world.
I believe we are those birds,
flying in the endless sky.
Yet it is an illusion.
We believe the strongest can fly forever,
but even the strongest must land.
but even if we land,
The next generation takes off.
We leave our feathers in the sky,
as a guide for our next generations.
Rainbow feathers in the wind,
forever soaring.
We are those birds.

The author's comments:

A work from a collection I wrote several years ago.

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