Summer | Teen Ink


July 17, 2015
By The_S36 GOLD, Norwich, Connecticut
The_S36 GOLD, Norwich, Connecticut
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The time of my days,
wastes away, during the summer.
Such a long time of boredom,
so our school days, we must hoard them.
There comes a time when we live in our memories,
when we close our eyes and forget what is now.
The sun on our backs,
that turn into the orange leaves falling down.
We dream of summer while sitting in a seat,
and remember school while avoiding the heat.
The days grow long,
and life will flourish.
Before we know it,
we’ll be back in that seat.
Even the memories of last year,
will become just another thought about our peers.
I would like to know,
if people can change in such a short time.
But these thoughts are but a madman babbling on,
these feelings are for you to discover for your own.
By the time we get back,
things have changed.
It’s time to pack,
because our school is rather deranged…

The author's comments:

A piece written several years ago.

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