Losing | Teen Ink


July 17, 2015
By The_S36 GOLD, Norwich, Connecticut
The_S36 GOLD, Norwich, Connecticut
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What is truly ours,
in this cold cruel world.
Fumbling in the darkness,
reaching for our hope.
Before we realize it,
we’re stuck in the ground.
Unable to move,
drowning in the sorrow.
Dropping our emotions into the water,
watching them sink.
Reach out as far as you can,
grasping nothing but air.
Thinking about what the world could be like,
through someone else’s eyes.
Lying on the sea floor,
shifting through the sands of time.
Drifting in our own blood,
unintentionally changing our future, for the worse.
We wait, until the door opens, and your friends rush into the room,
pulling you back from the depths.
The bubbles of fantasy bursting around me,
as the light pierces the darkness.
See the water below, sucking in the world,
Diving back in, ready to rescue,

The author's comments:

An old piece of poetry.

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