Commentary on Education in the United States | Teen Ink

Commentary on Education in the United States

September 11, 2015
By adamk SILVER, Mount Kisco, New York
adamk SILVER, Mount Kisco, New York
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It’s always been a known tradition
that we are in sharp competition,
we begrudgingly look to other nations
to evaluate our education.

Stress, pressure, unending study, goaded
into hours of work, leaves students overloaded.
Missed opportunities to enjoy our work
for fear our international rivals lurk,
and so we increase our expectations
without thought to resulting frustrations.

And in the end are we better for it
or have we taken a good thing and learned to abhor it?
Compare us to our best selves, wherein
we trust our own educators and students from here on in.

The author's comments:

This was a peom written for my 11th grade creative writing class. I was asked to write a poem about my take on education in the United States. My viewpoint is that the US gets too caught up in what other countries are doing. By trying to keep up, we are giving too much homework to students. When this happens, students focus on getting their homework done instead of having the chance to enjoy what they're learning. Also because we are so tired from staying up late to do our homework we end up hating school sometimes. If the US trusts our teachers and students to find the right balance for US students and not try to compare ourselves to other places, we will probably all be happier and healthier.

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