Where I'm From | Teen Ink

Where I'm From

September 17, 2015
By mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
mollyahs GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am from a cozy, cluttered cabin with a gravel driveway
stretching far off the road.
From trees in 360 degree sight and walking through the
woods to visit Grandma.
I am from roaming critters and chirping blue jays to summertime
strolls with Tater.

From roasted marshmallows on a flaming campfire to
splashes in the pool with cousins.
From graphite dust on my hands and eraser shavings
on the floor.
From the *buzz *buzz *buzz first thing in the
morning (followed by a second round of *buzz *buzz *buzz).

I am from twisting and spiraling with no hands and screaming
as I spotted the drop ahead.
From Mickey and Minnie Mouse to the POP of my ears
as the wheels touched ground.
I am from inching my sled to beat Ben and Kayla and the
sting of frostbite on my cheeks.

I am from late night track meets with my hair tied up
and sand in my socks.
From homemade and heartfelt cards opened before
they poof out the candles.
I am from *SNAP* pose *SNAP* pose *SNAP* pose
with the Gigi and the Canon.

From Sunday morning dresses to a white gown
with a powerful smelling red rose.
From college stealing my sister when I was just 10 years old--even
though “a family that plays together stays together.”
From gaining half a closet, to sporting Badger apparel
and rooting with Bucky.

I am from a cozy, cluttered cabin with a gravel driveway
stretching far off the road.
From trees that surrounded a family, yet hold
  them close together.
I am from howling coyotes to goodnights in bed with
my best friend, Tater.

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