Faceless Martyr | Teen Ink

Faceless Martyr

October 5, 2015
By ManOfManyMiles PLATINUM, Prosser, Washington
ManOfManyMiles PLATINUM, Prosser, Washington
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I lay still beneath the stars, and the vast perhaps

Of space and time sits unfolded in front of me,

The most massive tome ever printed.

There, my life, a grain of salt dissolved into the glass

Of time's ambivalence; the bright flashes of ones

And zeroes in a meaningless string of cods,

An absurd game for some being I wonder who typed it all.

And there's the rub-

For the stars are there before my eyes because I will it so.

It is I who turn on the monitor, to watch the code play on,

It is I who look time in the eye,

It is I who stop, and of all the choices,

Make the one that really matters.

I live for this moment, to live and see-

For some see pixels while others see truth


In the end, what many men desire is death

To be a faceless martyr in their own stories

A disciple who took up the cross and died trying.

To after having seen so many sunsets, heard so many screams,

Felt so many breezes, had so many dreams

The end of life (life's true promise) comes, a sweet ungiving.

And there I'll stand, a faceless martyr

A faceless martyr like the rest.

But here before me lie the stars,

A field of truthsome blossoms.

It's here I'll sleep, and be immortal thus.

The author's comments:

Thinking about the mystery of space and time and the meaning of life (which is 101010 of course).

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