Shattering Ice | Teen Ink

Shattering Ice MAG

November 10, 2015
By MeganMcCullough BRONZE, Summit, New Jersey
MeganMcCullough BRONZE, Summit, New Jersey
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
In the end we only regret the chances that we didn't take

Crystal blue water lies beneath,
coated by a thin sheet of ice.
Faraway sounds of wailing voices,
trapped under the glaze,
beg to escape.
I pinch my eyes closed.
Flashbacks of a little boy –
his golden heart tainted as he falls,
cracking the ice.
Splintering wood pokes the toes
of the tinted blue feet
like an urging bayonet,
becoming numb to pain.
It is daylight,
the crisp sun crying teardrops of sweat
that coat the sickly pale skin
despite the frost that settles around his heart.
He takes a step.
I shiver.
The ledge is coming soon to rid of past scars,
and we walk off,
plummeting toward blue depths
shattering the ice,
then silence.

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