Enjambment poem | Teen Ink

Enjambment poem

March 2, 2016
By McSucher GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
McSucher GOLD, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
13 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Feeling the weight on your
heart, knowing what you
have to do. Grabbing the rusted

medal shovel and all your snow
gear the door opened slowly, the
long twisted road lies ahead.


through the freshly fallen snow
with your inadequate metal shovel.

The sight of neighbors with their
own vow of snow removal, it helped
your feelings of completion.

The thought of hot chocolate
steaming in your frosted covered mind
inspires motivation.

Snow shoveling is the first thought
after a sudden sturry snow storm, even-though
it’s work;

It’s life.

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