Valiant Battling Spartan | Teen Ink

Valiant Battling Spartan

March 17, 2016
By jakebagel000 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
jakebagel000 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A silver spear glistens in the sun.

Decorated in gold, shiny armor

and bearing a bronze, wooden shield,

the ancient Spartan readies for battle.
The Spartan shows no fear.

Blending into the ranks,
booming steps echo around.
Accompanied by serious, blank faces.
           Fiercely trained for this moment,
The Spartan shows no fear.

Shrieking consumes the air
  Bright red blood rapidly stains the precious green grass.
The ancient Spartan confronts an adversary
Four men advance, encircling the noble Spartan.
The Spartan shows no fear

Four men lay in a heap canvassing the ground.
The Spartan adjacent to the men.
With a spear pierced through the abdomen.
Creeping closer to death,
The Spartan shows no fear.

As the enemy waves retreat,
The Spartan’s comrades rejoice.
The Spartan’s body is carried on his precious shield.
His face blank and unperturbed.
The Spartan shows no fear.

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