Orange Crusty Goodness of Thanksgiving Dessert | Teen Ink

Orange Crusty Goodness of Thanksgiving Dessert

October 18, 2016
By Zman2320 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Zman2320 GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
18 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Finally...the day is here.
I waited 364 days and now
the aroma makes my taste buds dance and my heart beat.
I taste the cinnamon in the air.
It consumes my mind,
but I’ll have to wait.

The crispy crunch on the bottom,
the smooth, warm filling...
I need it all.
I try to take a sliver when no one's there.
I want to hide the pie for myself,
but I can’t...I’ll have to wait.

Finally! It’s time.
My taste buds explode with
pumpkiny goodness.
A perfect scoop of creamy ice cream floats on top of the slice,
tempting flavors jump in my mouth,
the time is here...I don’t have to wait.

My mind spins for another bite...
it’s almost gone,
so I take one more piece.
My head’s in a coma.
I can’t think about anything else...
The waiting is over!

As the minutes of Thanksgiving wind down,
it was here and now it’s gone.
My eyes twitch, tear, and tire over an empty pan.
The aroma lingers.
It’s there, I know,
but once again...I’ll have to wait.

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