Free verse poems by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink

Free Verse

Most discussed Free Verse Poems

By sunshine925 GOLD
Sugar Land, Texas

We used to laugh When I spoke you would crack your jaw and give a chuckle Your eyes were bright when they gazed at me Later you broke and said you gazed because you saw hope in...
sunshine925 GOLD, Sugar Land, Texas
11 articles 0 photos 13 comments

Favorite Quote:
" You're only as tall as your heart will let you be and you're only as small as the world will make you seem." - Christofer Drew Ingle

AgentOrange789 GOLD, Friendswood, Texas
16 articles 0 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It&#039;s a saying they have, that a man has a false heart in his mouth for the world to see, another in his breast to show to his special friends and his family, and the real one, the true one, the secret one, which is never known to anyone except to himself alone, hidden only God knows where.&quot;<br /> -James Clavell, &quot;Shogun&quot;

By bigblue GOLD
New Market, Maryland
bigblue GOLD, New Market, Maryland
16 articles 0 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;All you need is Love.&quot;-The Beatles

By bigblue GOLD
New Market, Maryland
bigblue GOLD, New Market, Maryland
16 articles 0 photos 59 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;All you need is Love.&quot;-The Beatles

By emily_bissel SILVER
Covington, Louisiana
emily_bissel SILVER, Covington, Louisiana
9 articles 1 photo 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be not afraid of greatness: for some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them.&quot; -William Shakespeare

By PoetLaureate274 PLATINUM
Manitowoc, Wisconsin
PoetLaureate274 PLATINUM, Manitowoc, Wisconsin
20 articles 1 photo 44 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;You have not even begun to scratch the surface of how important your life means to not only me, [y]our friends and [y]our family, but your life, which is a gift for the world that is waiting for you.&quot; - Brent Smith.

By Macerz GOLD
Queen Creek, Arizona
Macerz GOLD, Queen Creek, Arizona
13 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
i once cried because i had no shoes until i met a man with no feet!

By The.Beirded.Turkey PLATINUM
Midlothian, Illinois
The.Beirded.Turkey PLATINUM, Midlothian, Illinois
36 articles 2 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dr. Martin Luther King Is Not A Black Hero, He&#039;s An AMERICAN Hero. ~Morgan Freeman<br /> An Eye For An Eye Ends Up Making The Whole World Blind. ~Mahatma Gandhi

By The.Beirded.Turkey PLATINUM
Midlothian, Illinois
The.Beirded.Turkey PLATINUM, Midlothian, Illinois
36 articles 2 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dr. Martin Luther King Is Not A Black Hero, He&#039;s An AMERICAN Hero. ~Morgan Freeman<br /> An Eye For An Eye Ends Up Making The Whole World Blind. ~Mahatma Gandhi

By ForeverDreaming BRONZE
Acme, Pennsylvania
ForeverDreaming BRONZE, Acme, Pennsylvania
3 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
I&#039;m not a perfect person, I make a lot of mistakes... but still, I love the people who stay with me after knowing who I really am.~<br /> <br /> If God brings you to it then he will bring you through it.