Melodic Memories | Teen Ink

Melodic Memories

December 23, 2023
By Willow_Moon SILVER, Brier, Washington
Willow_Moon SILVER, Brier, Washington
9 articles 10 photos 3 comments

Solemn mourning doves

calling out their melodies

for the dead and lost.


Their cries attract crows,

gatekeepers for memories

of the hushed poets


Whose words, sad and true.

And I find myself transfixed

by somber haiku.


Bittersweet as songs,

beautiful as the sunrise,

bleak as passing fog.


Calling all manner

of the macabre and the strange

onward to nowhere,


Somewhere beyond the stars

in a hollowed and hallowed

house of ghosts and cards.


The doves and their songs,

the crows and their memories,

poets and their words,


Wistful, bittersweet,

mourning melody complete,

they welcome the dawn. 

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