Nostalgia (collection) | Teen Ink

Nostalgia (collection)

April 19, 2024
By Anonymous

Cookie Jar
I stick my hand in a cookie jar
Expecting a treat, not below par
I remove my hand
To find something unplanned
A small, little toy black car

Happy memories,a moment in time
They ring like a slow and gentle like chime
Awoken by silence
I sit in nothingness
They are gone, like it was all lie

The crackling sounds of cable TV
Spongebob sounds so calming to me
Drowning the noise of screams
The fights that make me weep
Oh how I love cable TV

Careful steps, on the hardwood floor
Like a tripwire that you cannot ignore
Wanting a cookie is hard
Risky, I must stay on guard
A single creak would release a roar

Click, click, click the camera goes
Snap, snap, snap, the picture flows
My family, so happy
We were always so chatty
Only the camera will ever now know

Work hard, play hard, is what many say
I climb to the slide, ready to play
I worked so hard
Continued till my brain charred
I will never slide down to this day


I race my car down a track
Doing flips and tricks with color toy black
Over the table and chair
Over the couch and in air
The car takes flight and is lost with the snacks

Cinderella's slipper so shiny so fair
Not a slipper that I would wear
I don’t enjoy slippers
As they were hard hitters
The sting they create cannot compare

As day turns to night, silence fills
To sneak out of my room, oh what a thrill
The halls are dark and black
I cannot see a track
Where am I stepping as nightfall spills

There was once a little young boy
Who wanted all the love and joy
Another boy walked in
And then laid on him
A connection that can’t be destroyed

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