My Birthday | Teen Ink

My Birthday

January 18, 2015
By broken_slightly SILVER, Cranbury, New Jersey
broken_slightly SILVER, Cranbury, New Jersey
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It's my birthday
That is true
It's hard to have fun
While thinking of you.
Then you text me
Out if the blue
You say what's up
I ask anything new?
We go on talking
About nothing at first
Then I fall for you
A cliche curse.
We start talking about
What it would be like
If we never had
That horrible fight.
If we were still together
Going on strong
I'm wondering if your thinking
If only that lasted this long.
Then I man up and ask
Do you think we still have a chance?
Wanna give it another shot
Our half forgotten romance?
The next five minutes
Felt like the longest of my life
With a single word,
You could cut me like a knife.
Or with that same word
Right before dawn
You could become again
My reason to go on.
The you replied
Your words were few.

Happy birthday

I still love you.

The author's comments:

Actually wrote this on my birthday

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