Sonnets by teens on a variety of topics | Teen Ink


Top voted Sonnets

#3281voted by our readers
By Karunala BRONZE
Lexington, Massachusetts

At night, we ponder the deepest of thought The mold that we form, mistakes that we made The ideas that flow around me they trot I barter with sleep trade darkness to fade so...
Karunala BRONZE, Lexington, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

#3282 Poetry
By MaiHanNguyen SILVER
River Edge, New Jersey
MaiHanNguyen SILVER, River Edge, New Jersey
5 articles 3 photos 0 comments
#3283 Poetry
By Anonymous
Bobbi PLATINUM, Terry, Mississippi
39 articles 1 photo 46 comments
#3285 Poetry
By futurista12 ELITE
Far Rockaway, New York
futurista12 ELITE, Far Rockaway, New York
615 articles 1 photo 114 comments

Favorite Quote:
"And though she be but little, she is fierce."- Shakespeare

#3286 Poetry
Moab, Utah
TanMan BRONZE, Moab, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#3287 Poetry
By Katieanneliese SILVER
Cocoa Beach, Florida
Katieanneliese SILVER, Cocoa Beach, Florida
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“It is a dull sensation, your heart breaking, like the sound of a pebble dropping on the sand. Not a shattering, not a tearing apart, there is nothing shrill or grandiose about the sensation. It is merely an internal realization that something treasured you never knew you had is leaving forever.”

#3288 Poetry
By dgirl31 BRONZE
South Plainfield, New Jersey
dgirl31 BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#3289 Poetry
By RojerThatCat ELITE
Canoga, California
RojerThatCat ELITE, Canoga, California
285 articles 37 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"We all can be only what we are, nothing more, or less."- Sword of Truth (Kahlan)

#3290 Poetry
By lorenh SILVER
Cape Coral Fl, Florida
lorenh SILVER, Cape Coral Fl, Florida
6 articles 10 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
Nothing gold can stay.