The BFG by Roald Dahl | Teen Ink

The BFG by Roald Dahl

February 22, 2012
By wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
wolverines PLATINUM, Everett, Washington
40 articles 0 photos 3 comments

By: Roald Dahl
Genre: Action/Humor/Adventure
What would you do if you were kidnapped by a giant? That’s what the orphan, Sophie, has to figure out. During the witching hour, she was snatched from her bed, and whisked away to Giant Land by the one and only Big Friendly Giant, or BFG for short. She was happy until she heard about The BFG’s repulsive neighbors and they’re child eating problem. When she hears about that she devises a plan with the fabulous Queen of England. But let me ask you this. What would you do?
Sophie, a young orphan, is taken from her bed in the middle of the night by a giant! Interesting right? He runs her off to giant land and shows himself to be The BFG. He tells Sophie that he is not a child eating freak, but a nice Dreamblower. He takes her to go capture some nice dreams. And a nightmare or two. But when they get back, The BFG is confronted by his barbaric neighbors, the child eating kind. When Sophie learns what they are, she devises a plan. She gets the Queen, who gets the leaders of the Army and the Navy. Want to know what they do? READ THE BOOK!

I definitely rate this book 4.5 stars because of the creativity and the vocabulary, such as: Zippfizzing, Gigglehouse, Gobbit and many more! It showed me what it meant to have your nose in a book! My favorite part was when Sophie and the queen first met… It’s a really really funny part. It really was a superior book! I recommend this for 8-12 year olds who love action/humor books!

Now for the important part: The Authors Message! Here it is: Even though you may be small, YOU can make big changes in the world (whether it be reality or Giant Land)! You can be just like Sophie, who made big changes in England!

The author's comments:
I Wanted To Do This Book Because It Is One Of My Favorites.


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