Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer | Teen Ink

Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer

October 24, 2007
By Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
Bapalapa2 ELITE, Brooklyn, New York
1044 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Many teenagers have probably heard exciting remarks about the amazing stories by Stephenie Meyer. Her stunning stories of Edward and Bella continue to surprise readers with awe and admiration. Stephenie Meyer's first two books, Twilight and New Moon, have earned many positive remarks and praises from the readers. Now, she continues her story with Eclipse, the third book in her exciting series.

As her story move at a faster space, the readers won't be able to put the book down once they have started to read either one of her books. In Eclipse, Bella's journey for survival continues, with occasional appearances of vampires and werewolves. Of course, my first thought at reading about vampires was, “ugh, so childish and weird!” However, when I started to read her first book, Eclipse, I was dumbfounded. Her book was amazing! It contained something that I haven't been able to find in any of the books I have ever read. For example, she used a combination of powerful similes, heart-warming humor, and terrorizing suspense to keep the readers on the edges of their seats. Even her characters were loved and adored as much as her books.
Her third book, Eclipse, builds up so much suspense that readers will most likely hold their breaths until they reach the very last page. In my case, I could hear my heart beating louder and louder through the passing of each chapter until I had to stop and take a deep breath to calm myself. As if that wasn't enough, Stephenie Meyer decides to save the real climax for her last book, which will leave the readers begging for more. I can guarantee that readers will enjoy Eclipse as much as they have enjoyed reading Twilight and New Moon.


This article has 24 comments.

on Jan. 23 2010 at 11:07 am
AnneOnnimous BRONZE, Peterborough Ontario, Other
3 articles 0 photos 146 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Saying &#039;I notice you&#039;re a nerd&#039; is like saying, &#039;Hey, I notice that you&#039;d rather be intelligent than be stupid, that you&#039;d rather be thoughtful than be vapid, that you believe that there are things that matter more than the arrest record of Lindsay Lohan. Why is that?&#039; In fact, it seems to me that most contemporary insults are pretty lame. Even &#039;lame&#039; is kind of lame. Saying &#039;You&#039;re lame&#039; is like saying &#039;You walk with a limp.&#039; Yeah, whatever, so does 50 Cent, and he&#039;s done all right for himself.&quot;<br /> &mdash; John Green

"readers will not be able to put the book down"????

i couldnt pick it up. nothing happens the whole time and Stephenie Meyer cannot write a half- decent story

Miaoru said...
on Jun. 24 2009 at 11:14 pm
Miaoru, Sunnyside, New York
0 articles 0 photos 57 comments
You spelled her name wrong in your title. It's STEPHENIE Meyer. But, besides that, your article was great.

on Apr. 8 2009 at 2:20 am
what are some of the powerful similes that Stephenie Meyers uses in Eclipse? I can't find that many, and i NEED some for school! please help, thanks!!

BlackDawns said...
on Feb. 7 2009 at 7:07 pm
This was a good article, but there are a couple of spelling errors that ould be fixed.