Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson (Sierra Shuyler) | Teen Ink

Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson (Sierra Shuyler)

January 15, 2014
By tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
tmclark PLATINUM, Hedgesville, West Virginia
37 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My Book Review
Book title and author: Confessions of a Murder Suspect by James Patterson (Sierra Shuyler)
Title of review:
Number of stars (1 to 5): 5

The theme of this book is a mystery. Confessions of a Murder Suspect is a great story that also teaches the importance of family and friends.

Confessions of a Murder Suspect is a fictional/mystery story about a young girl named Tandy Angle who live with her parents and two brothers, Hugo and Harry. Somehow in the middle of the night her parents get murdered so Tandy is now trying to help the NYPD solve the murder case of her parents. But Tandy might run into problems because when her parents were murder only the Angle children were in the house, so was it one of the Angle kids who did it?

The reasoning why the book teaches the importance of family is because at the end Tandy stated “My brothers and I have grown closer over the last few weeks. We are still growing, and still becoming. I felt sure we would stick together, whatever happens, wherever the currents may carry us.” Tandy pretty much stated that she and her brothers have and will keep on growing closer together.

As you can see this is a great story and also teaches you that family and friends are very important. This book has somewhat changed how I look at my family and friends. So hopefully you do take the time to read this amazing book.


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