Dog Days Book Review by Jeff Kinney | Teen Ink

Dog Days Book Review by Jeff Kinney

February 4, 2015
By babbyara SILVER, Keaau, Hawaii
babbyara SILVER, Keaau, Hawaii
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Book I read was Dog Days by Jeff Kinney. Greg and his family spend their summer at the town pool. Hoping for the best summer ever with no chores and no rules, he thinks that his mother might just ruin all the fun. Throughout the book and movie, I have seen multiple differences between the two.

The first difference that I have seen is in the movie, a boy named Chirag Gupta, an Indian friend of Greg’s, appears when he doesn’t in the book. When I first saw him, I was confused on who he was.

The second difference I saw was the Reading Is Fun Club. This is a club where they read books. Greg’s mother is the leader of this club and forces him to participate. In the book, the club has seven members and in the film, there are only three.

The third difference I saw was at the end of the movie, Greg and Holly Hills are an official couple. In the book, Greg doesn’t find Holly attractive. He was into Holly’s sister, Heather Hills.

The fourth difference that I seen was the police arresting people. In the book, Frank, Greg’s father is almost arrested but in the movie, he’s not the one who is almost arrested, it is Mr. Jefferson.

The last difference that I saw is that Greg smashes his dad’s hand with a mallet in the book but in the movie, Rowley smashes Greg’s hand with the mallet.

These are the differences that I saw in Dog Days, the book and movie.

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