The 100 (The Hundred #1) by Kass Morgan | Teen Ink

The 100 (The Hundred #1) by Kass Morgan

August 11, 2015
By Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
Teenage_Reads ELITE, Halifax, Nova Scotia
293 articles 0 photos 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
"So many books, so little time"

The environment is fragile. We all know that as global warming and other red flags are sent up by the planet each day. Humans are on the edge, some wanting to protect it, others would destroy it in a war. Older generations predicted that it will be a war of the leader’s egos that will kill the planet, which (in the book) happened. Due to nuclear war the planet was no longer livable. The world leaders then created a spaceship for all remaining humans. From that point on, generation after generation has lived on the ship waiting for the day that they can return to earth.

The thing about space is that it doesn’t have oxygen, or water. These two things seem basic, but they are vital to survive. Think of how much oxygen you breathe. Think about how much you need to survive a day, a week, a month, and how about a year? Now think about how much oxygen you needed for your lifetime, and not to mention the hundreds of other people living off the same oxygen supply you are. Needless to say that after generations on the spaceship the oxygen supply levels were getting low, causing the government to make rash decisions fast. They needed to test the earth, to see if the radiation levels would kill them on impact. To do that they needed a test group, but who? Prisoners were killed after convicted guilty, so they used the next best thing: the juvenile delinquents. One hundred of them were selected, giving a bracelet that sends bodily rates back to the ship, and they were packed in a drop ship and sent to the ground. Excited, scared, and mostly confused the delinquents were given a second chance of life, or a quick and more than likely painful death.

Clark was arrested for treason, Glass was for breaking the rules, Wells was for arson, and Bellamy for his family. These teenagers have seen stuff, stuff they want to forget, to get away from at all and live peacefully. With one hundred delinquents ruling the group, civilization and order is not what they have in mind. Glass manages to escape the drop ship and goes back, trying to fit into her life the way she used to. Bellamy tries to find his way on as his little sister Octavia, who was being sent, and determined to protect her. Clark was happy as she wanted to run away from her past, sadly her past decided that his future was to be with her. The Earth, who hasn’t seen human life for generations, was about to be bombarded with teenage delinquents, who have no idea what to do.

Kass Morgan did an amazing job with the first book in the series. It was captivating, not letting you put it down, as she changes from character's point of view by chapters. The story line was solid, giving you enough background information to keep you informed, but also enough to keep guessing on what truly did happen before page one. The relationships between characters is solid, as you have no idea which way Clark will go, as her mood swings up and down. If you have watched the Netflix series on the book you will notice some similarities, but also very key differences. Watching the show will not ruin the book, and the book will not ruin the show. I am excited to see what direction this book is going as Kass Morgan left us off at a very key point. After all, did they truly think when they left planet earth that they didn’t leave anyone behind?

The author's comments:

Cannot wait to see where this series is going!


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