Artwork Contest | Teen Ink

Artwork Contest – Create a Character!

 Are you an artist? Do you love testing your creative abilities? This may be the perfect contest for you! For this contest, we want you to create your own character. You must create a backstory for the character and give it a name — make sure to leave these in the author's notes section of your submission!

Your character must be completely original. Any character that is not created from your own idea and work will not be considered for the contest. 

Deadline: December 1st, 2022



  • You must be a teen (aged 13-19) with a Teen Ink account to enter

  • No inappropriate content

  • Submissions must relate to the topic (Create a Character)

  • Character must be your own — The character you create must be entirely your own idea and design. The backstory and name must be original as well. Ideas that do not belong to you will not be considered for the contest.

Guidelines and Details: 

  • All art mediums are accepted

  • There is no limit to the number of pieces you can submit

  • Give your character a name and backstory. Leave these in the "Author's Comments" section of your submission

How to Submit: 

  • Submit entries through our website. All entries submitted to Teen Ink are automatically considered for the contest. See our submission guidelines for more information.

  • Include the words "Character Contest" in your submission's title and tags.

  • Submit your reviews to the "Artwork" category on our site. Select the art type that is relevant to what you are submitting.


  • Winner and honorable mentions will have their character published in Teen Ink magazine

  • The overall winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card