Photography Contest | Teen Ink

Photography Contest — Teens in the Wild!

This month, we're taking to Instagram!

Post your best nature photos to your Instagram page and tag us (

The winner will receive a $25 Amazon gift card and their photo will be published in Teen Ink magazine! 

Deadline: May 31, 2022

How to Enter: 

- Submit your entries via posting to your Instagram account

- Make sure to follow & tag us ( in your photo and 
include the hashtag "#TeenInkNature2022" in your caption


- Contestant must have a Teen Ink account and PUBLIC Instagram account

- Submissions must relate to the topic (“Teens in the Wild"/nature)

- Must be between the ages of 13-19 to enter

- No inappropriate content

- Image quality requirements: 300 dpi or at least 1600x1600 pixels

- Do follow our general submission guidelines, even though you are submitting via Instagram

Extra Information: 

- Frequently check your Instagram DMs (direct messages); we will message you for your Teen Ink username

- Don't delete your photo; we need to be able to see your entry in case you win

- Your submission(s) may be reposted to our Instagram story and/or grid (this does not mean you have won)

- There is no limit to the number of pieces you can submit!