Lost & Found | Teen Ink

Lost & Found

December 26, 2017
By ashleyisthelonliestnumber SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
ashleyisthelonliestnumber SILVER, Ashburn, Virginia
8 articles 9 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;But a poem is never actually finished.<br /> It just stops moving.&quot;

A marker/watercolor comic piece depicting a girl trapped, doomed to a seemingly-bleak fate, but in the end, finds herself floating safely in space. Despite the stylized art style utilized in this piece, the lighter shades in the brick towards the top illude to a light source, creating a sense of realism. The piece overall acts a far-fetched allegory for getting through times of one's life when they feel trapped or doomed: as of they are reaching the end of their rope and feel as if they are careening off the edge of the cliff. With their fate not known, the worst is assumed. But in the end, no matter how bad things may seem, they will bounce back.

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