Blue Ceiling | Teen Ink

Blue Ceiling

October 20, 2021
By avegrace PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
avegrace PLATINUM, Houston, Texas
34 articles 57 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Psalm 82:3

As long as there is sky above me, I will live my life to worship Jesus.

     Throughout my childhood, I moved around very frequently. My family was almost nomadic. I lived in various towns and cities throughout Texas, Florida, North Carolina, and Oklahoma, living in seven houses and three apartments along the way. As I bounced from place to place, I learned very quickly that a stationary church simply wasn’t necessary. 

    For a majority of people, worship is always the same thing: standing in a church on a Sunday, singing songs and hymns. For most people, worship is one specific action. For me, however, worship is a lifestyle. 

    I don’t believe that worship should be limited to one specific ‘right way’. Worship, at its core, is a state of being. Worship is defined as “a feeling or expression of reverence and adoration”. I can show God the love I have for Him in many more ways than just singing hymns. I worship God by loving and living like Jesus did. 

     Worship can happen anywhere. Whether I’m in a church, in a home, or in the middle of nowhere, I’m always in an ideal place to praise the Lord. My church has a blue ceiling. Anywhere on this earth, under the big blue sky God has created, is a place that the spirit of the Lord dwells in. 

   It doesn’t take a performance of spiritual rectitude to please God. Jesus didn’t die for the dressed-up church pew version of me. He died for the prodigal that I once was. In His love, I am no longer bound by the chains of sin, and I’ll use that liberty to praise Him unrelentingly. 

   The Bible states in Psalm 19:1 “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork”. So, the ceiling in my church will forever be blue.

The author's comments:

My essay for a Christian University 

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