4 Years | Teen Ink

4 Years

September 24, 2014
By christian torres BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
christian torres BRONZE, Granbury, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Independency, maturity, adulthood, the whole Idea of being out in the world without the support of family, friends, counselors, your church; it’s in all honesty, scary. Isn’t that all part of it though? learning how to function in society without being babied by your mommy and daddy, learning to meet new people finding new things to get plugged into, becoming an independent person, and discovering who you really are. Right now I feel like I have my life, for the most part, figured out. I have a game plan on where I need to be and what I need to do to get there. However the truth is, the scary part is; that I have no idea what’s going to happen to me. Where am I going to live? What’s my future family going to be like? What kind of income am I going to make? These are all questions that nobody but God knows, and that’s where Faith comes in. I hope that in four years I don’t start to blend into the crowd, I continue to pursue God in everything I do.

after being plunged into I new atmosphere that is no longer uplifting, no longer accountable I will change and I know that, I will begin the discover thing about myself that I didn’t before, my mannerisms will change, my language, how I respond to people. I just pray that my habits don’t conform negatively to the atmosphere around me.


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