My College Essay | Teen Ink

My College Essay

October 8, 2014
By Anonymous

I never really thought that my life could change forever by one simple video. A life changing moment I have experienced in my life happened when I was about 10 years old. I happened to be at home on the computer surfing through the internet. I stumbled across a game studio’s website with their studio logo on the site was represented with the word “insomniac” with the “o” replaced by a full moon.

Continuing to scroll the site I found a video next to it was the word “new” in bright red. My curiosity had struck me so I moved the cursor onto the video and clicked it to watch. The video starts with a pitch black screen then the studio logo slowly lights up giving off a teal light.

“Welcome to Insomniac games’ first ever studio tour!” says the Male announcer in an upbeat tone. Inside of my head I thought to myself “this ought to be interesting” having said that I turned up the volume, sat back and watched a video that changed my life forever. The video flashes through gameplay footage, to work on the game, footage of the employees designing characters, story line writing, and to voice recording in a booth. I had paused the video to look closely to one of the employees they were wearing black shirts with the studio logo printed on them, blue jeans, and glasses. The expression on their faces were a happy one. I kept staring at the background which had a board with blue and orange lights around it, on the board was rough drafts of the character designs from their previous and current games.

After finishing the video which was roughly around 10 minutes I had decided that I would be a video game designer and work on games. My dream of becoming a game designer is to make games that people would enjoy I mean some people might do it for the money but, I want to do it to entertain thousands of people around the world who play video games.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this piece is my burning passion about video games

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