Wasp Kim Jong Un | Teen Ink

Wasp Kim Jong Un

April 21, 2016
By christine97kki BRONZE, Danville, California
christine97kki BRONZE, Danville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Prompt: Joan of Arkansas. Queen Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Babe Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Mash up a historical figure with a new time period, environment, location, or occupation, and tell us their story.



Wasps are wandering around a field of flowers, exploring the outdoors to see what adventures lurks around. One wasp, Wasp Kim Jong Un, however, has a different plan..

Kim Jong Un
Right now, we may be equals. But one day, you will all work for me!

Worker 1
Um Kim, bro, who are you talking to?

Kim Jong Un
How dare you listen to my murmurs! Do you wish to be executed?!

Worker 1
Woah man, chill. I want to get back to the hive as much as you do. We’re just trying to explore here.

Kim Jong Un
Ugh, exploring. Isn’t there something fun to do in this boring flower batch!?


Bee Kim Jong Un begins to fly away from his flower and towards what seems to be a vulnerable human being.


Kim Jong Un
Even though the people in my hive won’t accept my dominance, that does not mean I am not superior! How that infuriates me! So much that I just want..to..sting!

Ow! I think something just bit me!

Kim Jong Un
Ha ha! Oh how good the pain of others feel! I must go and share my success!

Kim Jong Un
Everyone! I have just stung my first human, that’s one less person to go under my wing! Join me, as I overthrow this world one by one!

Worker 2
Is that one okay? Why does he keep talking to himself?

Worker 1
I don’t know man, he’s been doing that all morning.

Kim Jong Un
Sting People, Not Flowers! Sting People Not Flowers!


Another human has caught the eye of Kim Jong Un. This time, however, the human is seen wearing a loose white uniform and netted mask around his face.


Kim Jong Un
Ah ha! Another human! ...Huh? Why am I stuck? My stinger won’t come out of this stupid suit!

Bee Keeper
Oh what do we have here? Wow! This is the funniest wasp I’ve ever seen! He’s so round and chubby, with such short antennas! Even his fat stinger got stuck! It’s a wonder those wings could carry such a heavy weight! I must investigate.

Kim Jong Un
What--what’re you doing? Let go of me this instant! I just tamed you, you must follow my orders!

Bee Keeper
I need to go to my lab, I think I just found the fattest bee in the world! This could make history!


Wasp Kim Jong Un was taken to the bee laboratory where he was weighed, massed, and contained in their display shelf. People from all over the world come to ridicule the insect and be amused by his figure.
Researchers till this day still have not been able to identify the reason why such fragile wings were able to carry such a heavy abdomen. They were also shocked at his surprising short antennas, seeing that it must have been impossible to fly with the terrible body condition he was in.
Although Wasp Kim Jong Un was not able to fulfill his dream of world domination, in a strange twist of fate, he allowed the world to dominate him instead.

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This article has 1 comment.

YEATYEAT said...
on Apr. 29 2016 at 2:05 pm
That was fire