Mount Holyoke | Teen Ink

Mount Holyoke MAG

By Anonymous

   Hadley, MA: MountHolyoke is an all-women's institution situated on 800 acres ofrolling hills with two lakes. It offers a wide variety ofmajors and, as part of the Five College Consortium, women cantake classes at Smith, Amherst, Hampshire and University ofMassachusetts.

Mount Holyoke is steeped in tradition;each freshman receives an ivy plant to grow until senior year.Another tradition is Mountain Day, when bells are rungsignaling a day off from classes with all encouraged to hikeMount Holyoke. Each class has its own color and symbol theyinherit from outgoing seniors when they enter as freshmen. Thebanners representing each class hang in the foyer of thelibrary.

Each of the six residence halls has its owndining room and is fairly spacious with beautiful views. TheGothic-style campus has been preserved as it was in 1837 whenMary Lyon founded the college.

    Mount Holyoke has an expansivelibrary as well as easy access to the Consortium's libraries.There are computers and computer labs throughout campus andeach dorm room has a hook-up if you bring your own.

Theathletic facilities include six indoor and six outdoor tenniscourts, a basketball court, racquetball and squash courts, anindoor and an outdoor track, a swimming and diving pool andfields for soccer, lacrosse, field hockey and every otherimaginable sport. Mount Holyoke also has riding stables, anarea for crew, dance studios and stages. There areopportunities for study abroad, internships, community serviceprojects and campus jobs. The Five College Consortium providesfree bus transportation between colleges, making it easy toattend social events and classes.

Mount Holyoke is agreat college and offers something for women of every nation,culture and background.

Reviewed in 1999

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i love this !