Fitchburg State College | Teen Ink

Fitchburg State College MAG

By Anonymous

   Fitchburg, MA: I spent a "Friday at Fitchburg" with my parents, at the end of November. We spent about 4 hours there. We had lunch in the dining hall. It was great! They had a great selection and it was a peaceful, attractive atmosphere, unlike the average college atmosphere. We had a great tour guide. In the main building there is a game room, bank, gift/book store, and fairs that are held by different clubs and organizations. The library has a quiet, peaceful and open atmosphere. The dorms are a nice size and very clean.

FSC is in a great location. Being in a middle-sized city, there are plenty of places to go off campus, as well as on campus.

I found the information session with Dr. Peter Hogan to be the most memorable aspect of my visit to FSC. Dr. Hogan was very kind, helpful and informative.

The moment I first laid my eyes on FSC, I knew it was the place where I would like to spend my next four years. n

Reviewed in 1991

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i love this !