Sacred Heart University | Teen Ink

Sacred Heart University MAG

May 14, 2008
By Anonymous

Fairfield, CT: When it came time for me to think about college, Sacred Heart University was a must-pick. Since my sister was a 2007 graduate, visiting and spending time there became one of my hobbies. I fell in love with the school and knew it was perfect for me.

Sacred Heart is great for those looking for a midsize college with a rural ­atmosphere. With 5,800 students (4,200 undergraduates and 1,600 graduates), SHU is the second largest Catholic ­university in New ­England. The attitude of the students and ­faculty makes you feel right at home.

No matter what field of study you want, SHU has a great variety: the College of Arts & Sciences, Education & Health ­Professions, University College, and the John Welch College of Business, along with 43 other degree programs on the associate, bachelor, master, and doctoral levels.

The overall cost is about $38,000, with ­tuition of $27,000 and room and board for $11,000. There are 10 ­residence halls that have suites and doubles.

The one aspect that really drew me to ­Sacred Heart was its computer ­program. Freshmen receive a laptop (replaced every two years) that they keep after graduation. The campus is completely wireless, so you can enjoy a sunny day outside with your computer. SHU is ranked eleventh in the nation on Intel’s 2005 Most Unwired College Campuses.

Student life is amazing; there is ­always something do. The school is a little over an hour from New York City with a shuttle that goes to the train ­station. There are many ­enjoyable and ­exciting concerts on campus. Previous shows include the Goo Goo Dolls, Hinder, T-Pain, and Life House.

Sacred Heart has many athletic programs. ­Almost 800 students play 32 varsity sports competing in the NCAA Division I.

Studying abroad is also an option. The ­experience is amazing, as I have learned from all my sister’s memories and pictures of Rome. Students can study abroad at the American Univer­sity of Rome, the University of Notre Dame in ­Fremantle, Australia, or the University of Granada, Spain.

In the search for a college that fits like a glove, keep Sacred Heart in mind. Visit to find out more.

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This article has 1 comment.

mulley11 said...
on Jun. 6 2011 at 12:15 pm
I also fell in love with SHU the first time I went for a visit. We are now at 6100 total students and 3500 full-time undergrads. There are 8 residents halls and tution is now around 45,000. Clubs sports and greek life are rapidly growing on campus. I love being in fairfield and so close to so many things. I love everything that there is to do on campus. If you are interested at all, go visit!!