my review | Teen Ink

my review

October 4, 2012
By starr444 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
starr444 BRONZE, Greensboro, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I’m in Atlanta visiting the University of Clark-Atlanta. It is pouring down raining and I am soaking and wet. I am very exciting to be here but I couldn’t focus because my jacket, shoes and hair was wet. After waiting a while for the counselor to come talk to us, I was ready to begin asking questions about the college.

The counselor was very interesting he told us a lot of information about the college. This campus seems like a good college, but the only thing was it didn’t have my major. That was my only dislike about the college. Other than that I loved it, and would love to come visit this school again. There was also a student who was a part of the college, her name was Evan. She told us in her own words how she liked the school and how to manage your time. Another thing she told us to do is to stay focused and do not let the boys distract. That was the main thing I needed to listen to because, there were a lot of cute boys on the campus.

Walking through the campus I was getting a little nervous and starting to think about when I go to college. As we walk pass the dorms, I think about me having to leave my bed at my home. I knew I was going to have to leave home soon but the time was coming too fast. I tried to get the situation off my mind and distract myself by looking at the cute boys.

The tour was almost over and the way they explain how the college was, I was becoming more relaxed with the surroundings. College is apart of life and I’m just going to learn what it feels likes to be away from home. College is not so far ahead and now I am ready to began my college life.

The author's comments:
my college review is about clark atlanta unviersity in atlanta georiga.

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