The Day I Committed a Felony | Teen Ink

The Day I Committed a Felony

December 17, 2018
By Anonymous

It was warm.  Not hot. Not cold.  Warm. Myself, my brother Ethan, and my cousin Kyle were irate at my parents because we weren’t allowed to buy from the ice cream truck that day.  Well.. what do teenagers do when they’re mad? They rob a house! Now don’t go freaking out or anything. Most of what I’m about to tell you is legal.  

We hop on our bikes and we’re off!  We ride down the big hill and around the lake.  We finally arrive at our destination when Ethan says “I don’t think this is a good idea”.  Kyle and I ignore his thought and continue into the driveway. Our neighborhood always has ice cream and candy in all the houses but this one particular house has the good stuff!  Huge ice cream bars and candy in the deformed lavender bowl 24/7. So we started to devise our plan.

It was about 3:30.  Our plan was set and stone.  Nobody was home so that was a good start.   We first checked the back door then moved onto windows.  No luck. Our next idea was to see if their garage could be lifted to the point where we could slide under it.  No luck. We were about to give up when we heard the ice cream truck pass us again. Inspiration! We check the front door and viola!  It opens. Why didn’t we just check that first?

Our hearts were pounding.  I could feel the blood coursing through my veins.  We twisted the door handle slightly to find our luck had been renewed.  The three of us bolt in the door so nobody has the chance to see us. Immediately, we race to the freezer, our hearts pounding with excitement.  Once we get in, we enjoy our lovely fudge bars. I took a breath of the fresh old-person smell and then motioned for us to leave. The odds were in our favor that day and I realized that it would be wise to get out before anyone notices.  I’ll never forget that day because at that point I realized, my cousin and brother would stand by my side through anything.

The author's comments:

This piece is about me, my brother and my cousin.  We "break into" our neighbors house to get some ice cream.  

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