Bad Night | Teen Ink

Bad Night

April 24, 2019
By Anonymous

Cold. Dark. Where am I. What happened. Where am I. I don’t remember anything. The cold touch of something liquidy touches my legs. Rubbing the side of my face, there is blood. The sensation of cold water gets higher and higher on my legs. Eyes bursting wide open I realize where I am. “Calm down, everything is going to be okay, just keep yourself together”, I think. I look out the window seeing nothing for it is night but not even the light from the moon can be seen so I know I am far down. Water up to waist now. I have to act fast. I punch the window. Nothing. I punch the window again still nothing. The pressure is too much against the window. The surface of the water starts to turn a light red color. Blood. Too much blood. Grabbing a glass that is floating in the car from a meal earlier today. I smash it against the car and take a piece of broken glass. I begin to cut into the glass to give it weak points. The water is now up to the chest. I’m running out of time. I sink deeper and deeper into the blackness. The water getting ever redder. I put all my strength into shoving the glass through the window. Small cracks begin to form around the window. The water is getting and higher by the second almost to the neck. No more strength left in my body. I put the last of it into breaking the window. With one last shove the window breaks. The water covers my body and the last bit of air goes into my lungs. Go through the window. I go up. The air getting less and less. My insides start to burn. I see the moon. So close but yet so far. Everything starts to blur. My eyes get darker and darker. The moon getting farther. Letting my body go. I feel cold. All the sensations go away. Darkness. My heart ceases to feel warm. Deeper in the ocean. Deeper into the darkness.

The author's comments:

This is a piece that was supposed to be written in a cetain time constraint so it's missing a bunch of pieces. It's not my best work, I have definitely written way better,


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