Light and Dark | Teen Ink

Light and Dark

May 9, 2019
By Hyacinthios SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
Hyacinthios SILVER, Louisville, Kentucky
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Soleil was caught in the crossfire of light and dark as they pulled him each way like a tug of war. Soleil was always running away from the darkness that would consume him whole.

Visions flashed before his eyes such as a portrait on a roll of film— A young woman standing before him as her arms were outstretched in greeting before her body fell to the floor. Projecting through her stomach was a long broadsword that soaked through her clothes like a fine rouge as drops of crimson fell to the Earth. Soleil would remember reaching his hands out to a still silhouette that used to be his mother as wells of tears filled his young eyes. 

Since then, he was imbued with the darkness.

Though despite it all, there was a shining ray of light.

As long as he would live, he would see that no one would go through the pain and loss of suffering again. So that when he would encounter that foul villain that kill his dear mother, he would raise his bat with a wink before proclaiming his signature phrase.

“Pick a god and pray!”

While his words rang, the crack of the bat hitting vile bone crescendo through the air. A bright light peaked through the scene and light had won the trying battle for Soleil’s heart. Though light had won the battle, will it win the war?

The author's comments:

Light and Dark is a piece about how morality after a devestating event can change the way that people think. Soleil, the main character, after losing his mother tragically, must chose if he should walk along the path of light for good and the greater or morality, or if he will succumb to the darkness

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