One Thing That I Always Wanted | Teen Ink

One Thing That I Always Wanted

October 14, 2019
By Anonymous

I was sitting down stairs on my moms couch looking at  the television and there was and knock on the door and my mom told me to go get it so I got up to go get the door and there he was my Dad. My mom looked up and saw he she was in sock she thought he was dead in the war so she forgot about him but I didn’t forget this was the only think that I wanted to see my dad again and there he was sitting there looking down at me I had no words I was scared of what I would sound like I looked back at my mom and she was gone then I looked back at my Dad she was in his arms crying he came in the house and told us every story that has happened in the war he.

My Mom told him that she thought that you were dead and evan had and funeral for him he said that he had been shot but he didn’t die he I asked him can he tell us the story of how he survived he said that he was going for cover and there was this little young guy that was out in the open, wishing that the emey would shoot him so it would be over well at lease for him but that last two minute he was out there when the enemy spotted him fired and so he jumped in front of the little guy and took the bullet for him he said when he jumped out there he thought of me only me.

After that the little guy pulled him over for cover and called for help he wanted just to give his live to him if he died he was just lying down there bleeding he carried him all the way back to the helicopter and left off back to the med center was not supposed to do this but there was and soldier dying.   

The author's comments:

I wrote this picase because I thought of veterans and how much they don't get to see there famliy very often but what if something bad goes wrong and they can never see them again also they would not be dead just that they don't want to go back some famliy kids deal with it the most and they need help.

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