The Perfect Crime | Teen Ink

The Perfect Crime

January 19, 2022
By 31fohey BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
31fohey BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was the perfect crime, what could go wrong? We had it all planned out. We were going to steal the answer key to the math final. Our entrance was simple, we were going to jump out of a helicopter and parachute onto the school. As we prepared to jump, my colleague began to sweat. I gave him a stern look and jumped, he soon followed after. Cutting through the air, the school was in sight. I had pulled my parachute in the nick of time, and made a hard landing. My partner who was less daring had pulled his parachute far earlier and began to drift down towards the school. He landed safely. On the roof we found a ladder that led into the school. No alarms went off, we were in! Dressed in all black, we lurked in the hallways like a cat. Sliding, doging, and weaving to avoid possible workers and cameras until we reached the classroom. However, what we didn’t know was that there were actually janitors still working at this time. Footsteps began to get closer as a flashlight emerged. Each room was being searched by the night janitor, we had to be quick. Those footsteps turned to a run, and the door burst open. Already hidden, there was no chance he was finding us, he left the room quickly. Trembling and breathing fast we reached the teacher's desk and copied down the answers, what a heist, we thought. But as we stepped outside the classroom we noticed red and blue lights beaming through the windows. We were done for.

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