Beauty and the Beast – character’s perspectives | Teen Ink

Beauty and the Beast – character’s perspectives

April 17, 2022
By Lavia_Ibrahim2007 BRONZE, Leeds, Other
Lavia_Ibrahim2007 BRONZE, Leeds, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Belle’s perspective

The night came. I kept riding and riding and riding until I came to a mysterious castle at a far distance. It was the most magnificent (but also dreadful) tower that has been till now. The castle looked like the sort of building you would read about in a book or fairytale. The sort of building you would see in books of fairytales I have read in Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. I wondered if my father is in there, probably trapped miserably in a cell, bones and filth everywhere. I didn’t like the thought of it. With my horse, I decided to go and look around the place. It’s the only way to find my father, if he is in there.

Gaston’s Perspective

I just got to have Belle as my wife. She is named as the prettiest girl in this village. Her name shows it because, you see, her name means “beautiful.” That explains why she is so beautiful. The only problem is that I can’t persuade her to marry me. Le Fou and I followed her until she disappeared into her house. It isn’t a house really; it is more of a cottage, which is as old as my grandmother. If she agreed to marry me, she would live in a huge mansion made of gold. The only thing I dislike about her is that she always has a book in her hand. Why does she care about her books so much? She would be more mature if I showed her a little more...responsibility. Don’t you think?

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