Black Nikes | Teen Ink

Black Nikes

September 28, 2023
By Anonymous

The last night I dreamt of blue and orange flowing through the river on my ceiling.
The water pushing Abraham Lincoln along as he read the Declaration of Independence,
I look to my left where the Pacific Ocean lies, and I see Drake turning Abs's speech into an album,
The humpback whale dropping the bass for the soundtrack, and eggs flying all around.
I smell hints of bacon and sizzling hashbrowns as Haylee bakes me breakfast.
She yells watch out as lightning almost hits my head.
He's a growing boy I hear in the background as an enormous amount of food hits the table,
With Bob Ross and his pet unicorn as our guests.
The house trembles as the air forces fly overhead
But at last, I wake
What a dream last night I had

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